Act Your Age

Age appropriate is important in some cases. For instance, you don’t want to give a kid a chemistry set for his or hers second birthday.

Act your age for adults, though? I say fuck that.

I reached the half century mark. Have you MET people my age? They can be really unfunny, dull, and no fun at ALL. At least the ones that act their age.

I have been told on more than one occasion that I do not behave in an age appropriate manner. I’m going to go ahead and address that now. I will continue to wear/say/listen to the following without regard to ‘appropriateness’.

The following items will remain in my closet and worn with impunity:

Two Buffy T-shirts

Two Supernatural T-shirts

A Sons of Anarchy T-shirt and a Sons Of Anarchy/Breaking Bad mash up T-shirt.

T-shirts with these band logos: The Pixies, The Ramones, The Clash, Rancid, The Cramps, and Mojo Nixon.

I will continue to use the following phrases or words:


That’s what she said.

Fuck you.

Fuck you in the face.

Shut the fuck up.

What the fuck?

What the actual fuck?

When I’m bored, I will fidget.

I might even spin in my chair. I will sigh loudly and ask “When will this be OVER”? or “Are we THERE yet”?

I will listen to music AS LOUD AS I WANT in my car or using ear buds. Yes, I am aware that I might be damaging my ears. I no long require parenting and fully accept this risk.

When I’m at work and I have to deal with item data for things like ‘fluid nipples’ or ‘2o foot vibrators’ I am going to find that shit funny.

I will say inappropriate things at inappropriate times just because it’s funny.

I will pull childish pranks when I’m bored.

I will stick my tongue out at you and/or flip you off behind your back if you are being a douche twizzle.

I will make up words like ‘douche twizzle’.

I will wear flip flops and jeans every opportunity I get. Just like I did 30 years ago.

If I think something is funny, then I will say it. I’m not going to censor it just because it sounds childish or silly. Childish and silly is WAY better than old with a stick up your ass.

If I am wearing socks and the floor is slippery, I am gonna slide.

I will ride the shopping cart through the parking lot.

I will sing along to music while shopping. I might even dance.

I will skip with my grandkids while wearing pigtails.

I will play with the garden hose in the back yard.

I’ll watch Fairly Odd Parents even if my teenage son has friends over, because Cosmo is ALWAYS funny.

Fifty two really is a great age. Nearly perfect.

Because I’m NOT old. I don’t feel old. And that is nearly TRUE! I don’t act old..however, when it suits me, I can play no no no..I can’t say/do/want that? I am too old for that. It’s really perfect.

I will act my age when I’m dead.

Okay. In what way do you not act your age?




20 Thoughts.

  1. We go through life always being told we’re too young to do something or too old to act a certain way. When is our age just right?

    Whenever the fuck we decide it is.

  2. Those old boring people used to be young boring people. Age begets experience which should mean a greater understanding of the necessity of a certain degree of responsibility…doesn’t mean that cartoons or video games or cult tv shows aren’t fun. And if you don’t agree, well…fuck you in the face, that’s what she said, purple monkey dishwasher

  3. Well, I wish the ol’ joints & sinews didn’t creak & pop so, but you’re right – I wouldn’t trade back for anything…

    • I LOVED turning 50. I’m so into the ‘saying what I want to say’ shit.

      Not mean stuff…I’m not an advocate for mean…but honest? Goofy? Unexpected? I am all for them.

  4. Ha ha ha, rock on sister across the pond! I’m still wearing items from my wardrobe which date back to 1986 and I will continue to do so until they drop to bits. I may dye my hair purple again soon, I don’t think I’ll ever go electric blue again, as I did back then, but then I just might when my hair turns grey
    Age appropriate for whom I say?
    What we wear is perfectly age appropriate for people who grew up in the late 70s and 80s, and long may we go on, singing songs from the old days to the new generation, ‘we’re so pretty, oh so pretty ah….’

  5. A-freakin’-men! Acting your age is so overrated! I love feeling like I’m not my age and I don’t intend to EVER dress my age. I like to prank my kids and say inappropriate things to make them laugh. I wear flip flops pretty much year round. I am clinging to my destroyed jean shorts at this point hoping they’ll last one more summer. I hate it when I go somewhere where I have to actually “dress up.” I whine about it to all my friends because it means I have to go shopping since I don’t actually own “adult clothes.” One day, we will meet, and I will be sitting in the basket of that shopping cart while you are riding it through the parking lot. 🙂

  6. I still say, “fuck you, you fucking fucker.” That may not be age appropriate (53), or even super creative, but it’s always well deserved. Stay your wonderful self!

  7. I am way past 60 at this point. When you originally posted this (2013), I was one week out from being forcibly retired from my dream job. Within a year, I was planning to attend my first regional burn (, and 18 months after that I was in charge of designing the damn thing, and now I’m just trying to get off the board in December. Too old to cavort with the hippies? Feh. Keep up, children.

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