Washing Dishes And Drinking Vodka

Its possible that I’ve broken the ‘no booze on Sunday’ rule.

Not a lot…just a little. Also…YAY VODKA!

These are the things I am thinking about:

Corporate America is B U L L S H I T.

It’s a bunch of people sucking each other’s dicks and doing their best to look good and it’s all bullshit. Fucking hell…if we could just get the ego and the greed out of business..that’s all we need. Get the ego and the greed out and the rest of us could sigh a big goddamn sigh of relief.

We still care if same sex people marry each other? BULLSHIT!!! How about this? Why don’t we worry about equal pay for equal work. We can also worry about education for all the American citizens. Good and free education. We can do this. And stop fucking worrying about who is marrying who. IT DOES NOT MATTER.

Train wrecks are not entertainment.

We are supposed to be happy more often than sad.

We are all valid.

Showing heads getting chopped off is more obscene than a naked breast.

No means no.

Okay…more than no means no: It does not matter if a woman walks out in fishnet stockings and stilletos and nothing else..sure, that isn’t wise, but if she is sexually assaulted, it’s still not her fault.

Men should be up in arms about this. They should be screaming at the top of their lungs: We are better than this. We don’t assault women because they drive us to abuse. If one of us abuses a woman, it’s because they are an asshole and broken….but we don’t need to hide behind the ‘she was asking for it’ shield.

Alan Rickman is sexy as fuck.

Sometimes, the cover is better than the original. Not often, but sometimes it is. I’m going to go ahead and say that the Cowboy Junkies version of Sweet Jane is better than Lou Reed’s original. Randy vehemently disagrees with this.

Dwelling on the past and saying things were better then is meaningless. If we want things to change, then we need to change it. Let’s not rely on our kids…we still have a voice. Let’s just start doing what is right.

What is right for me? More than likely it’s calling in sick tomorrow.


It’s tomorrow.

I am at work.

I still feel the same way about the above things, I just feel that way with a little bit of dry mouth, queasy stomach and slightly pounding headache.

yay vodka.


27 Thoughts.

      • Lol. I have to mean it sober since I can’t “yay vodka” anymore (alcoholic in recovery).

        I love your blog. I’m a child of a narcissist too. You crack me up in a good way.

        • I’m glad you’re reading!

          Sorry you have to deal with the narcissism thing. It’s difficult…but I’ve found it’s comforting to find that there are other people who really ‘get’ what it’s like to have that upbringing.

          • I agree. I used to blog about my NM a lot, but then I decided to go no contact with her (and my dad by association) and picked up running. Much healthier headspace. But I like knowing there are others like us who are surviving despite the narcissistic nonsense.

  1. Vodka does help with finding our inner honesty…doesn’t it?!

    I have a feeling I will be cracking open a(nother) bottle tonight, as I foresee a bumpy few weeks ahead, here on the rannnnch. In fact, we should probably put up a case of it…

    yay vodka! Thank goodness I’m Polish…

  2. Yeah, Lou Reed was a genius and I saw him play in ’86, and it was great, but a couple of my friends started using heroin in the early ’90s and would literally not listen to anything BUT Lou Reed, and I still have a bad taste in my mouth from that. So Cowboy Junkies? Hell yes!

  3. I also like the Cowboy Junkies version better, but it’s not to say I don’t like the Lou Reed version, too.

    There’s not too much I can add to this without going off on tangents.

  4. First, I prefer the Velvet Underground version. The VU and Lou Reed version are similar, but the VU version feels lighter. Lou’s version feels grittier, a little more seedy. Both versions sound like New York City. Oft, I’ve wondered if these were people who passed through the Warhol galaxy. Certainly, Reed comes off as a bemused observer noting the public and private personas people often present.

    The CJ version, while interesting, sounds like a drug stupor in a sewer.

  5. You’re making me want a beer. And I had to look up who Alan Rickman was (don’t you eye roll me). I know his face and his acting. I just didn’t know his name. Now I know.

    Amen to all your gripings. (<< I made up a word). All very true. Very valid. Glad you didn't have a hangover. 🙂

    • Well…it wasn’t the WORST hangover I ever had…but it wasn’t a pleasant Monday. I like gripings..it’s a good word. I love made up words. Once I made up grumply. (when you’re grumpy and grumbling)

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