Happy F’ckin Holidays With Priscilla

Priscilla, Queen of the Cubicle, is being as gracious as she can about my new job. She is happy for me. However, I am abandoning her, so I expect that I will have to take some abuse. For fuck’s sake, if it had been the other way around, I would have wrapped myself around her legs and begged her to stay.

I’m going to miss her more than anything else at this job, which on one hand, isn’t saying much..but on the other..I’m going to miss her. Don’t tell her I said so, though. She’ll call me a little bitch for getting all sentimental.

I still have two and half weeks before I leave, so for now, we can pretend that it’s business as usual and I don’t have to think about spending my workdays without Priscilla.

We were discussing Christmas gifts today. She sent me a link to a cross stitch picture with a nauseatingly sweet border, a little house and a picket fence. The words on it said ‘Bless This Motherfucking Home’.

PQOTC: You do embroidery and shit, right?

Me: Yeah. I mean, I’m not overly precise or anything, but I do.

PQOTC: I wanted to get that picture for a friend, but it’s sold out and it’s too expensive anyway. Could you make that before Christmas?

Me: I think so. I mean, it looks fairly simple. I could probably get it done before Christmas.

Me: Do you have a pattern or something I can use?

PQOTC: I could get a pattern, probably.

Me: Hey. Wait. You don’t have any friends.

PQOTC: I do too. I have lots of friends.

Me: WAIT! Am…am I making my own fucking Christmas present from you?

PQOTC: ummmmm


PQOTC: Maybe.

Me: Goddammit. Go get on Amazon and buy me something. Something with Doctor Who on it.

PQOTC: You’re such a dork.

Me: I’m a dork who isn’t making her own goddamn Christmas present.

I am looking forward to my new job. I have needed this change for a long time. But no way am I getting a new Priscilla. This kind of shit just can’t be duplicated.


61 Thoughts.

  1. Okay, that was classic. I recently heard something that I thought would crack you up. You know how for some things – like your on-phone banking or such, you have to set up a security question and answer, and so then the operator will ask you a question, and you’ll provide the answer — what if you set up the question as: Why am I dreaming of a white Christmas? and the answer as Because you’re a fucking racist.
    I’ll keep with the chucks… hope Priscilla will, too.

  2. hahahahaha..good for you for “getting it” I’m so dumb I would be staying up nights to get my own present done..I already love Pricilia and I just started reading@!

  3. There’s always a Priscilla you hate to leave behind – no matter how much you want to leave the rest behind. I’ve had former co-workers that I wanted to stay in touch with, but it seems like it’s never the same once you’re working elsewhere.

    • Yeah..that does happen. I did keep in touch with a few people from my job prior to this one…but they are over 3 hours away, so it’s not as easy to get together. I’m not moving this time.

  4. You should totally embroider that sampler anyway. And send it to me. And one for Aussa for her wedding. Except you would have to put a goat on it.

    • Oh we will. It’s close enough that we can meet for lunch. And we don’t physically see each other very much at all, she’s on the other end of the building. So..we’ll just have to find a different way to chat.

  5. That’s always the worst part about leaving. Me and my friend M crack each other up so much she recently buzzed my office while chortling on the other end, BEGGING me to stop sending her funny emails at work. She could hardly speak and by the time she finished saying “You gotta STOP sending me this shit at work!” the last 4-5 words were all squee. 😉

  6. Oh, Priscilla, you will be missed.
    It occurs to me that people keep giving me gift cards to fabric and crafting stores which is basically the equivalent of saying, “Here, make yourself something nice.” Those evil bastards have been making me make my own Christmas presents for years and I never caught on!

  7. Yep, there’s co-workers that keep the job from totally sucking, but then you got the co-workers in the “other” camp and they contribute nicely to your reasons for leaving. Wish there were more like PQOTC at my job. She sounds great! 🙂

  8. Ok thank you for making me laugh, followed by Pepsi Max coming out of my nose as once I started to laugh I couldn’t stop, it was not a nice look so be glad you were not here to see it…………….just saying

  9. PMSL – what a cracker !!!!!!! Love her thinking.
    But, I can only imagine how much you are going to miss her – work colleagues like that don’t come around very often !!
    Have a great day – it’ll be hump day for you so enjoy !
    Me xox

  10. This just made my day – no two ways about it! Here’s hoping that once you get to the new job another position will open up that is tailor-made for Priscilla.

  11. Oh, I do like her! That is absolutely brilliant and I think I will start calling people and asking them to pick up a present I need from here and there. I wonder how far I’d get. I’m really happy for you and the new job but I will miss Priscilla. I’m sure it’s not the last we’ll hear from her though.

  12. Are you sure she wasn’t hinting around that she wanted it herself, to decorate her cubicle with?
    I once had a co-worker/partner in sarcastic humor. Her name was Tina, and she ran the office at Tumbleweed while I ran the warehouse. We became friends and allies (at work) and she took to calling me Boo. A typical morning, as I arrive late and rush into the office to clock in:
    Tina: Look who showed up. Did you remember it this time?
    Me: Shit! No. I’m sorry. I forgot the damn dynamite again.
    Tina: What am I gonna do with you, Boo?

  13. I want an embroidered pillow like that, maybe you could start making them and selling online, I think there’d be a lot bigger market for it than you might think 🙂

  14. You’ll always have Twitter. Pricilla sounds like a real gem to have around at a workplace that makes you miserable. I had that with The Game Board crew at a previous company. They acted as buffers against otherwise shitty management. We used to go to lunch and to the comic shop every Thursday, and watch Family Guy at lunch on Fridays. It made working for that company bearable.

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