I Guess They Will Just Sleep In A Sauna

My baby boy, who hasn’t been a baby for a long ass time, graduated from high school. We are having a weekend long party that will include housing many people.

It’s been a cool spring so far. Until now. It rained like a motherfucker yesterday and now it’s going to get hot.

My central air is broken.

Randy and I have a window unit in our bedroom, but everyone else might be a little uncomfortable as they will be sleeping in a sauna.

Anyway, I hope you all have a good holiday weekend with no sunburns. And I hope you all laugh like the Chewbacca mask lady. I know I will as I plan to be covered in grandchildren soon.

I had an article about raising a wild child on Blunt Moms a while ago, and I think they must have featured it again recently, because I’m seeing it pop up in a couple places. Speaking of grandchildren, here is an article I had on Scary Mommy about the seamy underbelly of grandparenting. 

Here are some memes that I recently posted on my Rubber Shoes In Hell Facebook page.

22 Thoughts.

  1. *plops on Michelle’s couch in front of the TV*
    *watches Michelle cleverly concealing last of the living room ‘clutter’ in the air-conditioned bed room*
    Oh, yeah…. havin’ fun, now 🙂

      • I’d offer to help…

        Dude… if our families don’t know what we’re made of and love (put up with) us anyway, then Joey should just give up and cuddle with his Mommy on the couch watching Dr. Who reruns.


        It LOOKS GREAT in here!!! Loving, Proud, Content with a Graduating BabyBoy, The Exact Right Amount of Wear and Tear and Happy Family Usage.

        RELAX 🙂

        It’s AWESOME!!!

        Joey’s a lucky kid 🙂

  2. Where do I get the software upgrade that includes “check organ” lights? I really could have used that fucker…

    • Doug in Oakland 🙂
      AND! How handy would a fluid level gauge for our stomachs and/ or bladders be? You know… just an easy to read ‘depth measure’ crossline in an upright clear tube…

  3. Our AC was down, which wasn’t an issue until the last two days, which were both hot and muggy as hell! I told everyone yesterday at least we were sweating off some pounds! Today we got the AC fixed, apparently I am not nearly as interested in losing weight as I am in being cool and comfortable!

  4. What?????? you are not inviting your guests to “Share” your bedroom Air conditioning?
    Boy, some host your are! ha ha

  5. I’m with Mary – I would be on the floor of your bedroom in a heart beat – there is no way I would put all those people in the rest of your sauna (sorry house) through having to endure my hot flushes as well !!! LOL
    Or maybe I could just bring a little hand held battery operated fan – but you would need to remind everyone that I am likely to KILL anyone who tries to take it away from me or share of a bit of the breeze !! LOL
    Have a wonderful memorial day weekend xox

  6. Why didn’t you just tell everyone to bring tents and let ’em sleep in the yard?

    Pitching a tent–it’s not just a euphemism for something that happens to teenage boys at the worst possible times.

  7. I mistakenly read “I hope you all have a good holiday weekend with no sideburns” and thought is that because she has no air conditioning? Are sideburns a problem in the heat? I had to reread it….sometimes I’m just not with it. ;/

  8. I just read your Wild Child blog. WOW! I can see that you have been there sister…. yes, indeed! Batten down the hatches and put on your flak jacket! Thank you.. I loved it! The best part, my wild child just announced they are expecting. bwahaha… it is good to be a grandma!

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