Saying Goodbye To Priscilla

I’m going to write this post and I’m not going to get choked up. Not even once.

HAHAHAFUCKINGHAHAHA. That’s probably a lie.

Today was my last day on a job that I’ve worked at for 7 years, 2 months and 24 days. I knew within months that it wasn’t the right place for me, but I stayed and just kept on staying.

The highlight of my job, the best thing about it, was meeting Priscilla. She wasn’t in today, and that was good. I didn’t have to say goodbye to her. Our last day of working together was Wednesday. She usually leaves 3o minutes before I do, and I got up from my desk and walked away when it was time for her to leave. I couldn’t bear to send one final instant message at work.

I walked down the row of cubicles in the IT department and chatted with a coworker until I saw Priscilla walking through the parking lot.

I couldn’t say goodbye to her then, so I will say it now.

Priscilla, Queen of the Cubicle has been in my life line for years now. I know it’s a two way street, but that doesn’t negate the fact that I’ve been able to tolerate my years here at this job because I had Priscilla to listen to me, to make me laugh and to vent to. Holy hell, have we vented.

Priscilla is the person I ‘talk’ to when I want to say things that I can’t say to anyone else. I’ve blogged about many of our conversations, but you would not believe the ones I’ve left out. She is who I talk to when I’m angry or hurt and I lash out in ugly ways and say things that I would totally judge another person for saying. Priscilla never judged and we had no line that couldn’t be crossed. We are each other’s safe place to vent. To ask stupid questions. To contemplate life.

Priscilla got me through my darkest days when I was dealing with my son’s drug addiction and his arrest and I felt like my life was crumbling into pieces that could never be put back together. You know how she did it? She did it by making me laugh. She did it by never ONCE offering me sympathy. She did it by calling me a pussy when I felt like I couldn’t take another breath.

That’s what I need when I’m at my worst. If I’m at risk of falling apart, one nice word can make the pieces come unhinged. She knows that. She knows that because she is the same as me. Just a younger, fitter and more hot version of me.

That doesn’t mean she doesn’t care. She has shown me kindness in quiet ways that I’ve held on to like a security blanket. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, if I need her, she will do whatever I need. She knows she has the same from me. She knows I’d step in front of a bus to save her ass. Although, that fucking skank wouldย neverย step in front of a bus for me, selfish bitch. But she would shove me really hard. I know that much.

We come at this relationship from different angles. She is the same age as my oldest kid. I’ve had years more experience, years more pain, years more of disappointment and years more of learning compassion and tolerance and forgiveness. I feel a protectiveness toward Priscilla that equals the way I feel about my husband, children, grandchildren, sisters…

If you were here and saw us together, you’d never know how close we are. Our relationship isn’t built on hanging out together and skipping out to lunch every day. We barely speak to each other. Not in person. If we pass each other in the hallway, our greeting is a head nod. Perhaps a small wave. But then when we’re both back at our desks, the instant message starts up and we continue our conversation. The one we’ve been having for 6 years now.

We celebrate birthdays and Christmas in a way that we both love. By hanging shit on each other. For instance, one Christmas, I gave her a Justin Beiber singing toothbrush. She retaliated 2 months later on my 50th birthday by decorating my cubicle with Justin. I’m talking, full size cutout, pinata, back stage passes, stickers and cupcakes. It was a sight to behold.

I know the conversation isn’t over.

We will continue to chat on Facebook and text and google instant message. It won’t change.

Only it will. Because even though we don’t physically interact much, knowing that we are just half a building away has been important. We don’t physically need each other. But knowing, if the need arose, it was a matter of steps.

I’m mourning the loss of that closeness.

I’m sad that I’m leaving her behind. I know she needs me as much as I need her.

I don’t love people easily, but I do love Priscilla. I love every bit of her blackened, shriveled up little heart.

When she reads this, she might actually vomit. But she’ll love it, too. Even if she’d rather have her tongue ripped out than admit it.

Caring about people is hard, y’all. Especially when you have to say goodbye.

Even when it isn’t really goodbye.

Except it kind of is.



48 Thoughts.

  1. I love those friends. They’re the most important ones. I hope we’ll still hear about PQOTC, because if she vanishes *I* will miss her!

  2. The conversation will never be over. When you have a friendship like that, you step completely out of character to keep it going. You work at it. You fight for it. Because friends like Priscilla don’t grow on trees like the rest of the nuts.

    Congratulations on making it to your last day. I can’t wait to read about the next chapter in your life.

  3. I’m so damn glad that you’ve escaped from the cubicle equivalent of Alcatraz, but with music torture to boot!
    I’m sure you will stay don’t lose that kind easily
    I’m drinking a toast to your health and new beginnings!

  4. I wish I had someone like that in my life. My husband used to be it, but dementia has a way of eating huge holes in one’s comfort zone. Nobody knows me like he does (did). Crap, I’m already missing Priscilla. Let’s hope your new job has at least one of her to help you ease on down the road. Good luck on Monday!

  5. Glad you’re getting out of a job where you don’t fit. Sad that your weird relationship with Priscilla is changing. Now dammit, get back in there and text her. What do you think this is, some kind of fucking holiday?

  6. I just love this post!!!! How lucky to have a friend like that!! I too am blessed with my own Pricillia and she is a real treasure!

  7. Everybody needs a Priscilla in their life. It’ s like that with me and my BF. We don’t talk on the phone or rarely on FB or even at all. Then every few months or so one will head to the other’s house usually when something fucked up has happened to either of us. We will then get together and we never shut up until one of us pulls out of the driveway. We don’t pat each other’s backs or cry with each other. We get together and laugh and make fun of each other. I love her dearly even though I’ve probably never told her that. Now we are 400 miles away from each other it sucks…..and Steph if your reading this move to SC you dumb bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Michelle, thanks for this heartfelt post. My hubby and I are moving to the Bay Area and having to say goodbye to a lot of close friends and family. So, I know what you mean about feeling the loss. On the other hand, true friendship, such as yours, crosses all physical boundaries. Like you said, you’ll keep in touch —and it will probably feel like you never left.

  9. I loved this…I had a Priscilla too. She wasn’t even in the same state, but we were always there for each other on IM. Dang her, she retired, then took another job where she works mostly from home and sometimes we can Google chat, but it’s not the same. I still miss her. Congrats on the new job and I need to go catch up and see how that’s going…

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