Setting The Parenting Bar Low

I can’t even remember if I told you guys this, but I am in an upcoming anthology called But Did You Die?  

This is the second Jen Mann anthology I’ve been in and I am so honored to be among this amazing group of writers.

If you want to feel better about your parenting skills, then read this book…because it is chock full of all the ways we fuck up as parents.

Anyway, it is available on June 11. You can pre-order now here now!

I have a few copies that I will sign and give away. If you would like a copy, let me know in the comments and then I will let Randy make the agonizing decision of who to pick!





40 Thoughts.

  1. Ooohhh!!! *delighted squeal*
    You know what I like!!
    Congratulations and cheers 🙂
    And, yes, please pick me, Randy!! I’ll make sure half of Oregon reads it and recommends it to the rest of the world!!

    Good job, Michelle! Extra sprinkles for you 😉

  2. Randy…if you don’t chose me you’re fired. I need my own special personalized copy. It’s VERY IMPORTANT. AND I was the first one to make a comment. So that should count for something. And I love you. Not that way. In a fraternal way. In a “you’re married to an amazing lady” kind of way.

    And Michelle – of course you’re in Jen’s book. She’s *almost* as amazing as you.

  3. I would LOVE one! I would also love to be a part of something like this. I took a long hiatus from writing to get my life together but now I’m back in full swing and I’m so happy I remembered your blog!

  4. Hey – if you send me a copy, I’ll review it on my blog. That’ll drive tens of sales! Seriously, it would just be cool to get a signed copy. Otherwise, I’m gonna add to your sales myself!

  5. I want this, but you’ve given me so much already I feel like a free copy should go to someone more deserving. And I like buying books to support writers who need support.
    And if you’re signing copies that means they’ll be print, right? Amazon’s only showing Kindle versions.
    Of course I could see you signing an e-book with your own special magic or something.

    • Yes! Physical books will also be available on the release day of June 11th.

      I so much wish I had special magic. Although, I bet I’d be irresponsible.

  6. The anthology sounds like a fun, beachy read. I’m well past parenting, (my daughter is 31 yo) and have been retired to listening and making agreement noises. However I recall those years well! I had a neighbor who I would sit outside with as we watched our children play. When our children fell she was the one who jumped up and ran shrieking to her kid who also immediately started yelling. I was the mom who sat there, said “are you okay?” and watched my daughter pick herself up and go on playing. When my friend returned to her seat I said “your kid follows your example, unless there are flames or blood you don’t freak out.” Rules I still live by.

      • And the Parenting Bar… At first I thought it might be a place where parents go to drink, but then I decided it was probably somewhere where you could order some parenting.
        I would definitely go.

  7. Michelle! I definitely need Randy to pick me. I’m having the kind of week where the New Balance shoe company contacted me because my 15-year old son ‘customized’ a pair of baseball cleats on their website, which included a custom inscription on the shoe tongue, that read ‘BIG DICK’. Apparently, that’s not a slogan NB would like displayed on their shoes.
    Make my week better with a free, SIGNED copy of this book…pretty please!

    • HAHAHAA…O M F G I swear, I am NOT laughing at you. I’m just laughing, cause that shit is funny. I totally get that YOU might not find it very funny…like the time I had to get my 17 year old out of a police car at 4:30 in the morning because he was in a lit parking lot with a girl and there might have been other issues, but we won’t go into that…anyway…when I got to work and told my boss what happened, he laughed his ass off and I was thinking..motherfucker…it wasn’t funny..but I guess, in retrospect, I probably would have laughed too if the shoe were on the other foot.

  8. I love the idea of this book. My husband asked me right before we had our now 7 month old son, “what do we do with him?”…..and my answer was simple. we keep him alive. 🙂

    I give myself huge props at the end of every day when we are all in one piece. Best to keep expectations low 😉

    Can’t wait to read the book!!

  9. Congratulations. I do love the title. I may have said over the years because I have a home office that is off limits, “If I don’t see blood , no one enters”, and no one has died from not being allowed into my office!

  10. This book looks awesome, I have young kids and could do with a bit of a laugh.
    HINT HINT!!!!!
    Don’t worry, honestly, it would cost a fortune to ship it out to me, as I live in the UK, but I will defo look at buying a copy.
    Plus am pretty sick of having to pretend to all the other parents that I’m just so fucking amaze-balls as a parent, to have any chance of not being shunned at the school gates.

  11. This seems right up my alley. I’m not a parent, but maybe this will make me feel better about my awful, awful childhood. Or confirm that my parents sucked.

    And I would LOVE a signed copy! My birthday is on June 10th so this would be a great slightly late birthday present! Please pick me, Randy!

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