Situation Nowhere

I woke up this morning with Big Audio Dynamite in my head. So this title is really part of an earworm and doesn’t really pertain to anything I’m going to say.

This shit drives Randy bonkers.

You guys, he tries so hard to help me and he is often right about what I should be doing. Motherfucker isn’t always right, though.Β He tells me that my titles need to be stronger. And should probably make sense. And I should stop starting sentences with “and”.

He has told me, for five years, that I should post on a schedule and will be more productive if I have a plan.

Turns out he was right about that one. I started posting on Mondays and Thursdays a few weeks ago and it makes a difference. Β Then, Randy suggested that if I have a new video or a meme that kicked a tiny bit of ass on Facebook or am featured on another site, then I could do a quick post about them on Saturdays.

Something else Randy said that has nothing to do with any of this. You know how people carry their phone in their back pocket sometimes? And when the phone rings, they answer it? Not Randy. Randy’s phone started ringing in his back pocket last night. He looks at me and says “My ass vibrations are in their hands.”

Anyway, here are a few memes I had on Rubber Shoes In Hell’s Facebook page.



30 Thoughts.

  1. I may have smarted off just a little to Randy, “Yeah, I got your ass vibrations right here, Big Boy.”
    After I got my eyes to close back down a little. That was priceless…
    AND (wink wink) your titles are what make me click.
    Randy has an XY chromosomal default setting.
    Not bad. Not good. Just is.
    His common sense advice applies to XY common sense and has ABSOLUTELY no bearing on XX wisdom.
    However, XY rules for business and time schedules are usually right up there with Type A bosses: Obsessive and detail oriented dudes get shit done.
    It’s good to let Randy be right once in awhile.
    AND it’s really fun to let us hash it out in front of him!
    Thanks for sharing him like that, especially before Mommy’s Day… a little extra love.
    Sometimes I tell Tim, “You be right, Honey. You be right.”
    It’s fun to see his face all lit up …

    • Hahahah..awesome.

      Yeah, Randy and I actually work very well together. He does help me tremendously and I couldn’t do this without his support. Now, we don’t always agree on what is best and things get a little snippy, but never bad. And I always tell him when it turns out he was right about something. The last thing was HUGE. He kept telling me what I was writing on my book wasn’t the direction I should go and I got seriously annoyed with him. Then I walked away from it for about two months. I went back and started back up a few weeks ago and looked at the rather substantial number of words I had written and thought…motherfucker…he was right. This isn’t right. This isn’t what I want to do.

      So I started over. I actually like it MUCH better now.

    • What is so wrong about starting a sentence with “and”? That’s how I often talk and when I’m writing to friends, I write the way I would converse with them! I save the formal shit for the “business” type of communication. πŸ˜€

      And—haha!—I also wanted to comment on that XY perspective you two discussed, although I’m always conflicted about doing so, due to my circumstances. I never want to be the one throwing the melted, leftover ice from the beer cooler all over everyones’ heads. But, Paul and I were so different in the thought processing department, too. He was far more organized than I, thank goodness. That’s how I’ve been able to find all the financial stuff and smoothly transition (for the most part) into handling it all on my own. I’ve simply continued following the methods he established and so far, I seem to be doing okay. OMG, can I get a HUGE “knock on wood” here? Seriously, can we call upon my Druidic ancestors at this moment? My “XX”‘s have become anxious! HAHA!

      • *knock*
        OK, I HAVE to… sorry … brace yourselves:
        “Knock, Knock, Motherfucker.”
        It started out on wood, for you, Terri Lee, but my XX went a little batshit.
        As much as I hated the Daddy-figure, fucker was smart when it came to numbers. NOT money. Numbers. They are very different.
        Yes, women can be very intelligent and wise with the exact same things men can. We use a different approach and we incorporate a different process, but we are just as smart and capable….
        *Druidic ancestors shudder*
        Fine, I’ll say it: If a man wants to set it up for me and it works fine, I’ll use it.
        AND, I’ll say ‘Thank YOU.’
        *feather ruffle wiggle*

        • Sam here with the dad who couldn’t handle money to save his life! If it hadn’t been for my mother, I do believe we would not have had a pot to piss in. My sister had told me how, when I was around toddler age (she is ten years older) and money was tight in the household, my mother had put aside money for groceries, my father found out where it was and took it without telling her to go play golf. She said my mom discovered the money was gone and burst into tears. Of course, all my father’s golfing buddies thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

          I find the word “motherfucker” so amusing! I have no idea as to why that might be! I think, “If the Stooge with bangs had an enemy, would that make him a ‘Moe foe’?” HAHA!!! Yeah, I really need serious medication! πŸ˜€ XO

  2. omg. so funny – great way to start my day as I nurse my injured kitty back to health.

    Anyways, enough about me…..I don’t mind the word ‘moist’, but I hate the word ‘juicy’ to describe anything except fruit….don’t get me started.

    And what? you have a facebook page? How did I not know this? Have I been missing the greatest meme site ever?????

    (sorry for all the question marks….it is one of my few failings as a writer…..hahahafuckingha!!!!! (I stole that from you). second failing

    • I am so glad you stole my Ha Has. Which sounds kind of nasty. Haha.

      Yeah, I do have a facebook page. I added a link to this post that should take you right to it. πŸ™‚

  3. Kind of irksome tom me when you post something during the week related to Rubber Shoes in Hell and it’s not a blog. I feel let down. Guess I’m a wuss. Don’t mind me.

        • Here, Lisa! Drink some hot cocoa with the peanut butter toast I made for you! Whipped cream, no extra charge! πŸ˜€

          • This is why.

            *adoring and gushy drape over George*

            And tomorrow’s Sunday.

            I’m good.

            *licks peanut butter off thumb*

            Thanks Terri Lee πŸ™‚

  4. Oh, and one more thing: if we can’t use the word “moist” maybe we could say, “Oh, yum! This cake is so damp!” Hmmmm, on second thought, let’s begin a grassroots movement to save the word “moist”! πŸ˜€

  5. Stealing at least one of these. Also, earworm accomplished – well done. Also also, maybe cake needs to learn to love itself and not depend on others for validation all the goddamn time.

  6. Start sentences with and? Hell, I’ve started SONGS with and. And they worked just fine. It is good to have guidance sometimes, you’ll find it eventually, but getting it specifically for you and what you are doing can be helpful sometimes.
    I officially have no comment on ass vibrations, but I do have a story about XX/XY:
    Briana was talking to her awesome gay friend Amy about the shortcomings of her then boyfriend Paul. She said that he almost had it mentally, but that perhaps it was the missing little leg on the XY chromosome that kept him from being fully present when you talk to him. Amy said “You know what he would say about that, right? He’d say ‘I got your little leg right here.’ ” Then to everyone’s high amusement and Briana’s mortification, they ran it past him and he said exactly that. Briana didn’t stay with him much longer.

  7. His suggestions make sense. I know my husband gloats when he is right. I tell him he is pathetic!
    I use the word moist a lot. Living in Portland, Oregon sometimes the weather is between raining hard and lightly raining so it is just moist.
    Also describing night sweats, are you just moist in the morning or soaking wet?
    Moist has a place in my vernacular besides the taste of cake.

    • Hahaha..thank you. Although, I have to say, Randy is USUALLY gracious when I admit he is right about something, when he’s not, he REALLY isn’t…but mostly he is and I can accept that. πŸ™‚

  8. Nothing wrong with starting a sentence with “and”… unless you’re doing som sort of formal writing for academia.

    In fact, go ahead and end sentences with prepositions while you are at it. This is real English, not museum English.

  9. I love Randy. If I knew a Randy, I might almost think about having a relationship again.
    Calm down. I said almost.

    I also tried to stick to a Monday-Thursday posting schedule! I made it ONE week. But there’s always the hope that I will.

    I love Big Audio Dynamite. And I think your titles are catchy as hell. xoxoxoxoxoxo

    • Not gonna lie, I think we should all have a Randy. Randys are awesome. Except for Randy Reno…he was a dick. We went to school together in junior high and he was an asshole to me. All the other Randys are cool.

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