They’re Not Good People

I have developed a sick obsession with Donald Trump.

I can’t stop reading stories about him. I avoided videos until recently, but now those flood gates have opened.

I can’t get enough.

I am trying to understand why people are flocking to his side. I’ve heard the oft repeated reasons of “He’s not a politician”. Yeah..awesome…in the words of my 17 year old son “That’s great. So, when I need a plumber, I’ll call a carpenter.” Or, “because he’s not politically correct”.

Seriously? Have you guys heard what he considers “politically correct”? That is what he says after he talks wistfully about how much easier it used to be to hit people. But we’ve become “politically correct” and dammit, it’s just so much harder to beat people these days.

I watched clip after clip where he refers to groups of people as “not good people”. He wants to lead the country, which includes minorities, non-Christians, and immigrants, but he refers to them as “not good people”.  He refers to people who disagree with him as “not good people”. Yet he claims to want to lead all people. I can’t imagine that life would improve for those of us labeled “not good people”.

Fuck. He’s dangerous. He incites people to attack protesters at his rallies. He refers to his supporters, who scream at and physically assault his detractors, as “good people”.

And women? The ways he denigrates women takes my breath away. Yet, I see women at his rallies, goosestepping along with his other followers. tumblr_nkjz52DksK1sfie3io1_1280

He rewards violence, xenophobia, and bigotry with pats on the head. He is calling this fringe element, the people who operate on hate and fear, the “good” people of America.

I actually am a good person. I’m not a perfect person. I am miles from perfect, but I am a good person. So, why don’t I just tune his shit out? Why do I seek him out? I don’t need to know anything more about him to form an opinion of him. I know all I need to know.

I suspect one reason is this: Everything he is sets off every goddamn trigger I have. He’s a walking, screeching gas bag that is the definition of a narcissist. He lies without remorse. He is grandiose. He demands attention. He has the emotional maturity of an abandoned bird’s nest. He is so goddamn annoying. Everything about him annoys me. And I know the fact that he is annoying is only like the 600th most shitty thing about him, but I can’t help it. He just bugs the shit out of me. Reading about him is like poking a sore tooth with my tongue. I don’t want to do it, but I just can’t seem to help myself.

It’s no wonder my anxiety has been singing.

Anyway, I thought about making Trump into a drinking game. I mean, not the obvious. The rules can’t be that every time he says something stupid, or bigoted or misogynistic, then you take a drink. First, because no one has time for that and second, because our livers would abandon us. They’d leave. There’s only so much abuse an organ can take.

Hahahah…only so much abuse an organ can take. 

If Trump can talk about the size of his penis (I actually shuddered typing that) at a political rally, then I can make a masturbation joke.

This game could actually help people cut down their alcohol intake. The rule is that we take a drink when Trump says something reasonable or says something we can all relate to.

I realize that 100% of people won’t agree with what constitutes reasonable or relatable, but you can’t make everyone happy. For instance, I have an aunt who I have never seen happy. I don’t see her at all anymore, it’s been decades, but I can’t imagine she’s gotten happy in her old age. She wouldn’t be happy if you shot unicorn spit up her ass. Although, in her defense, having spit of any kind shot up your ass probably wouldn’t inspire happiness. Unless it does. No judging here. To the few family members on my mom’s side of the family who read my blog. I’m talking about the other side of the family. 

But I digress.

A phrase from the following list would have to be uttered by Donald Trump before people playing the drinking game could take a drink.

“Let’s have lunch”.

“I have to take a shit,”

“I saw Neil Diamond live once and he really wasn’t bad.” 

“Leggo my Eggo.”

“Will I regret not buying a Roomba?”


“I don’t know. I mean, it’s been this way for years, but maybe, it’s time for a different hair cut.”

So, who is with me? Who wants to play the Trump drinking game?

Cheers, motherfuckers!

Also, please, for the love of everything that is holy, vote this November.





66 Thoughts.

  1. I just shared this on Facebook. I love the truth the way I love my coffee: straight, strong, hot, and fresh. You delivered on all counts here.

    I’m terrified far more of the supporters of TrumpMania than I am of the man himself. They remind me that anyone can be hiding beneath the white hoods. And the fuckers vote, too.

    Thank you for this fantastic blog, Michelle.


  2. I can see how the Donald would be a huge trigger for you. I also think your drinking game would force me to go cold turkey for long stretches of time, which gives me another reason to dislike him. 😛

  3. It’s surreal that Trump has gotten this far. When I see him on tv I have to laugh, because he’s so bizarre. My 17 yr old daughter flips out and screeches at me. I tell her it’s not that one egotistical maniac she should worry about, it’s his thousands of supporters. WTF America?? That’s what worries me. But I say let that asshole keep talking. Let’s hope he says even more outrageous shit, so much so that it forces a good percentage of his supporters to finally step back and say, “Whoa…whaaaat?”

    • I don’t think they will. I think they support him BECAUSE of what he says..not in spite of it. And yes, they are the scary ones..and he is legitimizing their voices. It’s just dumbfounding. There are so many of them.

  4. Dude, I wish this game was around when I got sober. This would have made it easy 😉

    But… I’ll take a shot of unicorn spit up my ass… Hell, they do wine enemas and coffee enemas…why not unicorn spit? (I’ll bet it’s all sparkly and tingles 🙂 )

    Yes, Trump is Daddy on the big screen, the only difference being that Daddy could only fool a few, while Trump is fooling many.

    But don’t you remember when other people thought your Dad was ssooo cooool???? Everybody who didn’t grow up with Daddy doesn’t see the ‘performance for the spotlight’ as we do. My father could ABSOLUTELY run for president and have all the CONFIDENCE that he would win. I think the only thing that stopped him was money, and that wasn’t for lack of trying….

    George? You better hurry up and get your ass to Oregon so we can hide in the cave with the goat during the election. I’m probably gonna want to drink, so we’ll have to hike. The horses know the way to the liquor store after we get past the ridge…

    • YES! My friends thought my dad was the shit! So funny! So sweet! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH

      He could never have run for president though, he wasn’t charming or clever enough..he just thought he was.

  5. Normally I’m a glass-half-full guy. Seriously. If someone shot unicorn spit up my ass I’d say, “Hey, cool, this means unicorns are real!” Even on days when it seems like I’m being pelted with a nonstop shitstorm I find myself saying “On the bright side…” so many times I lose count.
    And, heck, I can even see a silver lining, albeit a seriously tarnished one, to Trump’s success as a candidate. It’s forcing us Americans to confront the fact that collectively we’re deeply fucked up. And as much as it’s bringing out the worst in a lot of people it’s also bringing out good people who understand how deeply fucked up it is that Trump has so much support. It’s good, in a way, that some of the very same politicians who have been telling us for decades that we should hate the government, hate politicians, hate “those people”, and just hate, hate, hate, are now unhappy with the very monster they created. Maybe they won’t learn anything, but I hope some are beginning to understand that when you go around screaming that nuance and compromise and empathy are bad things that philosophy will eventually bite you in the ass.
    Having said all that it disturbs me that my first reaction to your drinking game is to see a downside: it would require spending a lot of time listening to Trump.
    On the bright side there’s a chance, albeit a small one, that we’ll get to take a drink every once in a while.

    • Oh wow. This is such a good perspective. Seriously. You’re so right. Maybe it will shine a brighter light on the problems we have. We will be forced to address these issues..and be forced to admit they exist. I seriously KNOW people who insist racism doesn’t exist. sheesh.

  6. That Trump is still in the race, much less the front-runner, has me completely baffled. And terrified. I know it’s an Internet stereotype to bring up the Nazis when you disagree with someone, but seriously, didn’t Hitler foster the same kind of us/them hate?

  7. George here! 😀 I am SO going to win this game, since I don’t drink any alcohol at all! Yay ME! Lisa, I will certainly ride that horse to fetch you more “beverage”, but allow me to show you how wonderful the non-alcohol life can be! HAHA!!! (Holy shit, I sound like one of those crazy, proselytizing born again people who need to give you their “testimony”! Truth be told, I’m actually more neo-pagan/nature worshipper.)

    Trump’s campaign epitomizes that old saying, “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” But, what scares me the most about Trump has been seeing how many of my “friends” (I have to question that term now) on Facebook are rabid supporters of that orange-skinned, bird’s nest haired, bag of Massengill! As Trish so perfectly put it: you never know who’s hiding under the white hoods. And then, it makes you wonder WTF happened to them over the years, knowing that you came from the same neighborhood, the same schools, the same background, etc. Of course, we did not come from the same family. That right there is where many of these idiots learned to hate anything or anyone different from them. I was fortunate to have parents who taught me to worry more about a person’s actions and words than the color of their skin or their religious affiliation. What all these supporters might want to consider though, is what Trump is saying about THEM behind their backs. He doesn’t think they’re his “equals”. Like all narcissists, he’s manipulating them to get what he wants. They are simply a means to an end.

    And better unicorn spit than a “golden shower”. OMG. Did I just type that out loud? HAHA!!!!

      • I LOVE it when you type out loud 🙂

        No worries, George…sober for almost 15 years now, much to my family’s delight and my dismay.

        Sobriety is HIGHLY overrated, but necessary when confirming reliability and establishing credibility.

        Supposedly, I’m a credible reliability, now.

        ‘S why I got a goat… and some horses…and my cave. Ya know. And my roll of duct tape for emergencies.

        And, now that I’m on FaceBook, I have discovered that I don’t want to know that some of the people I thought so highly of are politically fucked up and not so highly thought of anymore. I have enough trouble making ‘the mask’ stay in place.

        How’s that for politically correct?

        And, THANK YOU, Sue Coon, for typing what I was too sober and scared to type. Hitler had a LOT of people singing his praises while being shocked at his methods….

        But, Christopher? I HOPE you’re the one that is right.

        Hold my hand George… I need to rub your fur the wrong way 🙂

  8. I had a friend, a fairly close one, who quite seriously delivered that all things considered, she understands it’s not the best option, but she would vote for Trump.
    I keep avoiding here since, I can’t bring myself to even…I had shared food with one of THEM. Good news, it doesn’t seem to be contagious and only depends on your mental abilities, or lack of thereof.

    • I just don’t get it. His entire platform is based in hatred and exclusion. His policies consist entirely of “Believe me..I have policies. I have good policies. Policies that come from my brain, which is a great brain..believe me”. or variations thereof.

    • Hmmm…who will I be voting for? I really only discuss that with immediate family. I usually don’t talk about politics at all because it can be polarizing..this whole Trump phenomena just distresses me so badly. But it’s not like I don’t have strong opinions about other candidates as well.

      How was THAT for a non-answer? 🙂

  9. At first it was humorous, then it was embarrassing, then for some reason people liked what he was saying and he became legit! It is dumbfounding! He is like a car wreck you just can’t help but glance over to his casualties.
    I certainly will be voting , but not for The Donald this fall.

  10. I plan on moving to Canada with their new, young Prime Minister if Trump gets elected. He may be a year younger than me, and I was taught to respect my elders, but I choose Trudeau over following my upbringing and Trump any day!

  11. It’s like watching a train wreck, I can’t look away. Like you, I don’t get it either. I don’t understand that people can’t see that he represents the worst of us. A wise blogger friend recently took a Zen approach and said, “step away from the spectacle”. I’ve actually said that phrase to myself several times this week.

    • I have actually backed away quite a bit. I had to. I can’t watch anymore video clips and I am tired of finding out how much MORE shocked and appalled I can be on a daily fucking basis.

  12. Normally I put a website on here in the designated spot as a link, just in case.
    BUT, I didn’t this time because this is political, and you’d be amazed at how many store owner customers we have in the USA who are total Trump supporters.
    I moved to Canada years ago, and man, am I ever glad I did now (even though I still love my beloved home country). There is a spot on Ellen (people can look it up) about SO many people wanting to learn how to move to Canada if this outrageous scary narcissist becomes President. I have already offered my house and backyard to my family and friends! I agree with the above comments that it scares me FAR more to know there are people who think like he does. Now they’re getting into wife slamming. gawd. It is truly unfuckingbelievable. He has absolutely no clue, and his supporters are worse. Have we learned nothing from history and fascism?
    My only thread of positivity is that there are more people with common sense and decency who vote than those without.

    • I hope so bad that you are right. I think you are. I don’t think he can win…but we aren’t going to know that until November, are we? It’s going to be a long goddamn summer.

  13. Trump is truly dumb, and a big, fat narcissist as you mentioned,(it seems to me that anyone who believes they could be president is somewhat narcissistic) but he’s fairly adept at making a reality TV show, which is how he is running his campaign. Others are saying that he is smart as a politician for channeling the anger of poor white people to his benefit, a throwback to Nixon and Reagan and their “southern strategy”, but I’m not so sure. I tend to think that he is appealing to those more fringe elements that Dick and Ronnie brought into the Republican party to win elections because his personality is really like that. Over and over I hear his supporters excuse his reprehensible behavior because it is “genuine”. So whether he really is a flaming, ignorant, bigot, or is just really good at playing one on TV doesn’t really matter to me: he’s still basing his campaign on that behavior and that way of thinking. None for me, thanks.
    I have also been hearing from those optimists who seem to think that by breaking all of the rules of presidential politics, he will bring about needed changes to our way of electing leaders. That would be nice (as long as he doesn’t win), but I feel like it’s a bit of a stretch. I sort of look at him as a bullet we really need to dodge.
    Having said all of that, and based on the fact that we (sort of) survived W’s presidency, I actually believe that Cruz would do more damage to the country as president than Trump. He’s just as evil, and would get more done. End of political rant.

    • I actually do not disagree. Ted Cruz scares the shit out of me. I think he would be worse than trump. Trump just gets under my skin…goddammit..he bugs me so much.

      Genuine. I love that one. Well, sure..if one is genuinely a bigoted asshole, that doesn’t make them qualified as commander-in-chief.

      • No. No you could not. It’s lovely in summer, but there aren’t any jobs, or, um…civilization as we know/want it. (Sorry my fellow Canadians on Cape Breton Island!!) Even the immigrants who’ve been welcomed and housed are contemplating moving. Come to Montreal! Quebec is really fucked up and the taxes are crazy, but Montreal is very international; we accept everyone and it’s a fun place.

  14. I watch him because I am just waiting for someone to say it’s all been a big colossal joke. Even on Celebrity Apprentice, he lauded the men’s actions and the womens’ looks. It was gross. People I know outside the US just cannot believe one person here is taking him seriously.

  15. AHHH! Very good. I am sort of in the same boat. Have tossed at least 10K words onto the internet about it in the last two weeks or so.

    My friends are getting tired of me talking about this shit all the time. And I just don’t care. People need to hear it.

    I got the masturbation joke before you said what it was, btw.

    Fabulous job!

  16. I have a strict policy never to mention him on my blog. I feel that every bit of attention that man gets benefits him.

    There is simply no way that reasonable people look at him and think, “Yeah, this is a great man. If I were casting him in a movie, I’d cast him as the PROtagonist!”

    The Republican Party is punking us. They’re going to come out at the convention this summer and say, “Haha! Just kidding. We got ya! Our nominee was Bush all along.”

  17. Thank you for writing what is on my mind. I can’t watch him or listen to him without having my blood pressure rise to dangerous levels. Equally disgusting is the Republican party itself who appears (operative word is appears) to be trying to oust him. You know damn well if he gets the nomination, they will all vote for him because they would elect the devil himself before voting out of their party.
    I was at a store the other day when the woman-hating-blow hard’s name came up. The service person was telling me that “at least you know he tells it like it is–the truth” I had to correct him and go on a rant. Just because someone is loud and obnoxious does not mean he tells the truth. I am embarrassed that there are that many stupid Americans out there. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that he has so many young women supporting him. What in the hell are they thinking?

  18. He’s almost worth the anxiety and distress for causing you to create ‘He has the emotional maturity of an abandoned bird’s nest.’ which is the best sentence ever.
    I agree with everything you say. Check out Scott Adams’s blog for a strangely compelling alternative take on the subject. It seems so logical it’s terrifying and I can’t stop reading it.

  19. OMG – you wrote exactly what I’ve been wanting to write, only you wrote it sooo much better. I agree with everything you and everyone else has said here. What really scares me is thinking about him with a finger poised above the nuclear trigger. Nightmare. That’s what he is. A freakin’ damn nightmare.

  20. I think I watch because I CANNOT BELIEVE the things that come out of his mouth and I think that surley one of these times his followers will say WHAT? What did he just say? But nothing seems to bother them! WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? Engage your brain! I keep watching because I know someday he will start frothing at the mouth. It is unbelievable. Luckily no one I know has revealed to me that they support him though I suspect some do but they at least are too embarrassed to admit it. If they do it will end badly… But then I live in a coastal city in California and somehow have surrounded myself with like minded people which is not necessarily a good thing. But oh so comforting, as is your post. Rant on!

  21. The only thing that keeps me going when I contemplate that Trump might actually win the election is that he must have no idea how government really works. I believe he thinks he can just waltz into the oval office and start issuing edicts and change the world. But see, there is this thing called the Constitution that he has to follow. And then there is this body of morons called Congress who make it their lives work to make everything as difficult as they can for the president. And then there is a panel of judges called the Supreme Court who attempt to make sense of the Constitution and the laws passed by Congress and issue somewhat fair (if not impartial) decisions about what can and cannot be done. Granted – if the Congress has enough morons who are Trump lovers and the Supreme Court can’t make a sensible decision about things, then we might have some crap go down, but let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. What I find incredibly disgusting during this race (besides the fact that Trump is actually in the running) is all of these former political foes who have decided to “endorse” Trump – when you know full well their opinion of him and his fucked up politics has not changed. They are just chicken-shit cowards who are attempting to cover their ass in case Trump is actually elected.

  22. This is going to be long. I am always interested in why things happen the way they do and I have been watching the Trump phenomenon for awhile. The progression of my thoughts might interest you.

    On February 24th, I wrote this:

    Last night I was watching Donald Trump’s Nevada victory speech and listening to the pundits give their expert opinion on why he is doing so well. Mostly they claim it is because he taps into the anger that so many people feel. And a part of that might be true, but I don’t think that’s all of it.

    I think it’s the hope. I think it’s the vision, the dream, the belief. He BELIEVES he can make everything better. He BELIEVES he can do a better job. He BELIEVES he can make America great again. And when people listen to him, they start to believe too. They start to feel hope again. Like it or not, there is a lot of hopelessness in this country. A lot of people feel beaten down. A lot of people feel like the American dream is gone, replaced by a daily struggle to tread water or be sucked into the vortex. Then along comes Trump and he says “I can help you” – and he is such a force, he has so much confidence – it’s like a life rope. And even though logic dictates that he doesn’t understand, he has no clue what he’s talking about, he doesn’t he even know how government works so how can he fix it . . . all of that is “trumped” by the fact that he believes he can.

    Bernie is even more amazing. Bernie has lived inside the machine for decades. He knows how broken it really is – and he still thinks he can fix it. He still BELIEVES he can fix it. And he WANTS to fix it. People flock to him for the same reason. They go to the light. They go to the warmth. They go to the flame that can reignite their spark. It doesn’t matter that he is weak on foreign policy – most people on the street are too! What matters is that he is offering hope for the short list – the stuff that the strugglers are struggling with. Like Trump, he is throwing out a life rope to people who feel like they are drowning.

    It’s really amazing to watch. And also amazing that their opponents don’t quite get why they are so strong. Pooh-poohing everything they say with a condescending “It won’t work” – and never once grasping that the magic isn’t in the details – it’s in the dream. Bernie and Trump are touching something deep inside, where hopes and dreams live – not logic and gameplans. Both of them are doing that – which is why there are people who are wavering between the two of them. It should seem bizarre, but when you realize that they are both sending out such a strong signal that it is overriding basic politics, it’s pretty cool.

    I have no idea if either one of them could work the miracles they claim they can, but holy wow I am so happy to see life brought back to the world I live in! People need to believe, need to hope, need to feel good about the future. Too many people have lost that.

    Something else I have seen at several of Trump’s rallies and speeches is people chanting “USA! USA! USA!”. It’s been a long time since I have seen that kind of inspired patriotism. Oddly enough, until I saw it, I didn’t realize how long it had been since I had felt my heart swell with patriotic pride. I have not seen that at any other candidate’s events. And I didn’t feel it because of Trump – I felt it because I was seeing people explode with pride in their country – MY country – and so I felt it too. The ripple effect.

    So yeah, I totally get why people are voting for Trump and why people are voting for Bernie and why people are trying to choose between them. The pundits are half right – it is all about emotion, but it’s not all about anger. Yes, people are fed up with politics and lies. No doubt about it! But basic human nature is to want to feel good instead of bad.

    I know it can take a minute to get past the WTF factor, but this whole thing is really an amazing story unfolding before our eyes. It’s worth watching. No matter who wins the nominations and the election, there is a new hope being born right now, and I do not think it will easily die. And I think that is pretty damn awesome.

    Then on March 2nd, I wrote this:


    I have at least two Trump supporters on my friends list. There are probably more – not everyone wears their politics on their wall. Some people openly declare who they like – a lot more people openly declare who they hate.

    Some of the Trump stuff I see on my wall amuses me. Everything from “we are doomed” to articles about stuff he said on the Howard Stern show twenty years ago. It was twenty years ago and Howard Stern – isn’t that all you really need to know? LOL

    But seriously, my point is that most of my 105 people think he would be a disaster as President – and a lot of people NOT on my friends list think so too. Obviously a lot of other people think differently or it would not be an issue and I would not be writing this post.

    The thing is, the way you feel about Trump is the way I felt about Obama in 2008. And in 2012. And still today. In my opinion he has been a disaster as a President – and a lot of people agree with me. So all this OMG and horror that you feel about Trump? I have been feeling that about Obama for over seven years.

    I did not vote for Trump yesterday and if he is the nominee, I will not vote for him in November. It doesn’t matter because, unless he self-destructs, it seems like there is a good chance he could be our next President. And then my wall will be flooded with people making plans to move to an island.

    But nobody will go anywhere. Everyone will suck it up and deal with it, just like I have with Obama. There will be some bitching on Facebook, of course. And in some ways, he probably WILL be a disaster. But he will also probably do some good. Not that it will matter because most of the people who hate him now will not be willing to change their minds. And that’s OK too. As 21st-century humans, it’s what we do.

    I am not trying to start a war on my wall and I would appreciate not being blasted for this opinion. I just wanted to point that it is very seldom that everyone loves anyone. There is a good chance that the tables are about to turn and that all the people who have had eight years of feeling smug are about to be the ones feeling uncomfortable and upset. And it sucks to feel that way.

    I don’t feel horror and I don’t feel smug. At this point I don’t feel much of anything about it. I feel acceptance that he will probably be the nominee but until I see who he is running against, I am not going to bother projecting. I will leave all that to CNN.

    Over the last two days, I have heard Ted Cruz say “I will NOT work with the Democrats” and Trump say “I will unify the country. I am a unifer”. Do you know what that told me? That Trump understands the problem and Cruz doesn’t. Trump knows that he is in the current situation because the asshats in the Senate and the asshats in the House and the Chief Asshat in the Oval Office couldn’t figure out how to work together. They have spent years fighting and bickering and stonewalling and hiding their toys and locking the doors and throwing temper tantrums and throwing their weight around. ALL OF THEM. They broke Washington. They broke the federal government. It doesn’t work any more. It has to be fixed. Voters know that and they no longer believe that the people inside know how to fix it.

    They can talk crap all they want but the truth is, Obama and Congress brought us Trump. Unless they realize that – which means recognizing the actual problem – then we all better get used to saying President Trump and hoping for the best. Because I don’t know how Bernie would fare against Trump, but I am pretty sure Hillary will lose. She sneers every time she says the word “Republican” – she doesn’t understand the importance of trying to bridge the gap across the aisle either. She doesn’t understand the importance of not alienating half the country every time she opens her mouth. Which makes me sad because in 2008, she wasn’t like that. In 2008, I would have voted for her. I would have been a “Hillary Republican” because I felt like she spoke to the country as a whole. She doesn’t do that anymore.

    One Nation – yep, still got that.

    Under God – little shaky on that.

    Indivisible – we have a BIG problem with this one!

    With Liberty and Justice for All – we still have the statue but we are missing a Justice!

    I just want to feel pride in my country. Sometimes it is really hard to do so when everything is bathed in negativity on a good day and completely fucking ludicrous on a bad day. We are better than this!

    Then on March 15th, I wrote this:

    Thoughts on Trump.

    I have no doubt that Trump has two sides to him. I have little doubt that most of what we see is him drawing on his reality TV experience. What sells? OMG!!! What gets attention? OMG!!! The worse he acts, the more attention he gets – and it’s all free! The more over the top he is, the better the ratings.

    The irony is, if he actually gets elected, I doubt he does half the crap he is promising because if he did, it would probably get him assassinated or impeached. He’s not an idiot, even though he often acts like it. He is smart enough to know that you can’t piss off the world and win. And once in awhile, he actually says that. Unfortunately, he seems to have overlooked the fact that we don’t live in a bubble and his mouth is already pissing off half the world leaders and I suspect, if elected, he would have a hard time fixing that.

    Honestly, in addition to disappointing the people who voted for him, I think he would get bored with being President – because like it or not, that position does have to maintain some decorum. Showing your ass on the campaign trail for a few months is easy. Dealing with serious shit that you know nothing about – for years – that’s hard. People are screaming that he is unfit to be President, but most past presidents have done something that, in today’s world, would cause the internet to explode. We live in a world of outrage and most of it, I don’t give a shit about. I am more concerned with the fact that I don’t think Trump is qualified and I think that is starting to show.

    He will tell you he is going to build a big beautiful clock, but if you ask him what kind of power source he is going to use, he will tell you it will be big and beautiful and it will tick! Allrightythen . . . are you sure that’s a clock, Donald?
    Yesterday I posted this:

    My Twitter rant (warning – politics):

    Now people are saying that Melania was demeaned first? How? She looked great in the GQ ad and looks great today. I have no objection to HER!

    I don’t care if she posed nude. I think an ad that suggests I should is kinda silly. I think Trump getting upset over it is idiotic.

    NOT I really think he is upset over it. I think Trump is quite happy to have the ad out there. It’s a great excuse to act like an ass!

    He can attack Cruz and wife – and call on his Enquirer buddy to help. Keep everyone busy so they won’t ask about his lack of depth & policy!

    Sadly, it works, because the world we live in feeds on outrage. Trump is the fucking king of outrage. But ya can’t run a country on it.

    Do I seem disgusted? Because I am thoroughly disgusted. Trump has turned this election into a reality show with the world as his stage.

    I don’t think Trump is the disgraceful ridiculous ass that he appears to be. I think he has done this all for show. Which is even worse.

    Bottom line – I have understood from the beginning WHY people were drawn to him. What I don’t understand is why they aren’t leaving in droves. Or maybe they are. Maybe the original crowds of hopefuls have been replaced by swarms of angry discontents. That would explain a lot.

    I do believe he is starting to circle the drain. I do not believe he will be the nominee and I am sure he will never be President. I just really hope we learn something from this experience because this shit is really fucked up!

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