No Jill, No Conversations About Comedians Needed

Jill Stein thinks we need to have conversations about comedians.

Here is an excerpt from Jill Stein’s Facebook page:

“We need to begin having honest conversations about the oppressive tactics corporate comedians continue to do towards already-marginalized groups of people. This country was built on oppressing The Other (Blacks and indigenous people) and I’m not going to stand for more of this while we deal with major crises in this country that could determine whether we’ll even survive as a species.”

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Locker Room Talk

It goes without saying that this isn’t going to be a funny post. Just like Michael Scott forever ruined the phrase “that’s what she said”, Donald Trump tainted the phrase “locker room talk”. Although, the phrase already had a stench, didn’t it?

It sucks about the “that’s what she said” phrase because sometimes, that really is what she said. 

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Feminism vs Misandry

In this corner, weighing in at none of your business because weight is not relevant. Wearing whatever the fuck she wants: Feminism.

And in this corner, wearing bitterness and generally fucking shit up that is already broken: Misandry.

You know why feminism and misandry are in separate corners? Because they’re not the same goddamn thing.

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