Old Ladies Of The Internet

Ah..the hubris of youth. It sometimes makes a non-violent person want to punch someone in the face, doesn’t it?

I read a Facebook thread where a blogging friend was defending her right to complain when someone stole her work, a meme.

PSA: Don’t steal other people’s words. Not ever. Don’t take a meme and remove a watermark and put your watermark on it. Don’t pass other people’s tweets off as your own. There is no excuse for it. There is no defense for it. Just don’t steal other people’s intellectual property. 

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Age Appropriate Makeup Tips

Age appropriate makeup tips can kiss my baby boomer ass.

I’m bummed about being a baby boomer. I’ve realized the context of “baby boomer” has changed completely. Now “baby boomers” mostly means “elderly”. Which I am not.

If I were one year younger, I’d be lumped in with Generation X, which is not known for their youth anymore, but still, better than elderly. Okay. If I were two years younger.

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