Diagnosing Politicians And My WebMD Ban

Randy and I were discussing Dick Cheney and his heart transplant on our way to the store this morning, which naturally led to a discussion about narcissistic personality disorder.

I told Randy that I thought that most high profile politicians have narcissistic personality disorder. I mean, there are always exceptions, like Elizabeth Warren, but still, I bet the number is high. I’d also not be surprised to learn a lot of them are full blown psychopaths. Seriously, it’s not like it’s hard to see. Yet we all still go and vote the crazy into office.

Somehow this came around to discussing having extramarital sex with presidents. I think a lot of women would sleep with a president, regardless if the president was hot or troll like. I’m in the group of women who wouldn’t sleep with someone just because they’re the president. Although, Barack Obama isn’t terrible to look at and there’s the fact that I’ve never strayed from my ethnic group, so there is a slight curiosity factor.

I was going to say that I’ve never slept with a black guy, but then I thought that sounded racist on some level. It is true, though. So how is that racist? I have also never slept with a red headed guy. I don’t feel at all bad about saying that. I did make out with a red headed guy once. But that was in high school and doesn’t count any more.

I’ve decided to stick with ‘never strayed from my ethnic group’ just to be on the safe side.

Here’s what I’m dealing with now. Now that I have at least somewhat of an understanding of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, I find myself diagnosing everyone. This is probably not a good idea. I have self-diagnosed myself for many years now (Damn you, WebMD) and have nearly always been wrong. I don’t have sleeping sickness or MS or prostate cancer.

There is also no way I can know, within minutes of talking with someone, whether or not they have NPD.  I tend to think that unless you are a wadded up ball of anxiety and neurosis that you MUST be a narcissist. Pretty impressive skills considering my complete lack of training, right?

The truth is, I’m sure there are many people out there who are charming and confident who ARE capable of empathy and don’t leave a path of destruction in their wake. I still remain somewhat suspicious of them, though.

Even if they do have NPD, what does that mean to me? Mostly, nothing. I know enough about it that if it’s at all possible to limit contact with a narc, that is the best course of action. I know enough that getting sucked into an argument with a narcissist is a ‘no-win’ situation..and that actually being RIGHT about something will cause me more pain than it’s worth.

All I can do now is decide how I’m going to change and combat the damage that was done to me by my narc father. Letting go of the resentment will be helpful.

On an unrelated note, I really should steer clear of WebMD more often. My family banned me from it years ago, but as I have an internet connection, there’s really not much they can do to enforce that, is there?


16 Thoughts.

  1. I think there probably are a disproportionate number of politicians with some degree of narcissism, but the lack of empathy that full blown narcs have is probably not a great trait to have to get on in the world of politics. I suspect there are more than a few though!

  2. I’m very glad to hear you don’t have prostate cancer. Also, I was going to say that I’ve never even made out with a red headed guy, but then I remembered that, oh yes, I have. A long time ago. My brother ended up marrying his sister. Small world. I banned myself from WebMD. I have problems they haven’t even thought of yet.

    • Yeah, I should be ban myself as well. I am SO TIRED tonite…I kept reading ‘my brother ended up marrying his sister’ over and over trying to make sense of it and I realized you meant the sister of the red headed guy you made out with…the other meaning..well..I’m from KY and shit like that happens.

  3. Sarah Vowell was on the Daily Show one time talking about how presidents and presidential assassins were sort of the same kind of crazy: Assassins because they felt they had the authority to thwart the will of the electorate, and presidents for thinking that they should be president in the first place. I don’t know if she was right, but I like her a lot anyway.

  4. Like you, I’m highly suspicious that a great number of people in positions of power (e.g., politicians and corporate leaders) are narcissists.

    With absolutely no training whatsoever, I’m also inclined to diagnose people I meet in everyday life who seem self-centered and who lack empathy as narcissists.

    I’m like the kid in The Sixth Sense, except that I don’t see dead people. I see narcissists.

  5. I run afoul of WebMD every once in awhile, though the people who know me know better than to try and “ban” me from things. That just wouldn’t be productive for anybody and their continued comfortable survival.

    I think there has to be some comorbidity with the Narcissitic Personality Disorder, truth be told, because there are times where the perks do not seem to outweigh the drawbacks of being a politician. There’s a certain perverseness of though and/or motivation to want that kind of attention, but to also make the kind of decisions politicians regularly do.

  6. Money quote “I tend to think that unless you are a wadded up ball of anxiety and neurosis that you MUST be a narcissist.” I think that has to go on the checklist for NPD.

    “Are you anxious?” No. “Are you neurotic?” No. Diagnosis: NPD.

    love it.

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