Top Five With Gandhi, Elvis and Winston Churchill

The Facebook thingy I’m writing about wasn’t a top five thing. It was one of those posts where one of your Facebook friend’s tag you and you have to list five random things about yourself. I called this Top Five because whenever five of anything is referenced, I think about John Cusack in High Fidelity and the top five lists he had throughout the movie.

I usually don’t participate in these posts, mostly because I don’t want to put anyone on the spot. I don’t mind participating, but I don’t want to ask anyone else to participate. I feel the same about cookware, makeup, jewelry and food storage parties that are held in people’s homes. I will go if invited and I will buy something before I leave, but I will not be hosting my own party.

It was interesting, watching these posts pop up all day long. I learned two things today:

1. There are a lot of people out there who have lived fascinating lives

2. I am not one of them.

Seriously, y’all, you wouldn’t believe some of the interesting things I read. I won’t be specific on who said what because these are not my facts to share, but here is a sampling:

Someone who had driven a nuclear submarine and gotten a gift of jewelry from an actual king. (Does one ‘drive’ a submarine? Do they float it? Operate it? Ride it? What’s the right term here?)

Someone who writes incredibly who can also play the guitar AND owns dragons.

And one woman who met Martha Graham, drank with Elizabeth Taylor, was in a fashion magazine and had a fling with a famous clothing designer.

Two of the items on my list had to do with how many decades I’ve had a messy bedroom (All the decades) and how long I kept a goldfish alive (three years). 

The other three things on my list weren’t quite so interesting.

I’m not complaining, I’ve finally reached a point where I am in love with my own life. I mean, other than the work part, but nothing is perfect. I’m just fascinated with what other people have seen and done.

I also fixed my fear of putting people on the spot by tagging Gandhi, Elvis Presley and Winston Churchill to list 5 random things about themselves. I don’t think they’ll mind.

Oh! Wait! I did get Tom Cruise’s autograph once. They were filming Rainman in front of the building I worked at back then. I also saw Huggy Bear in the Columbus airport. From the original Starsky and Hutch. Not Snoop was that other guy.

So, how about it? Tell me something exotic from your past. But don’t try to give me any Antonio Fargas stories, because I got that one covered.

Oh, yeah..and one other thing..and this one just happened yesterday. I had an article published on the Huffington Post. So that was really cool.