The Dude Abides

I give Randy a lot of grief on this blog. I mean, I am not making this shit up or anything, but I do give him a fairly hard time.

I guess it’s fair that if I am going to give him shit here, then I should also talk about when he’s wonderful.

He is actually always wonderful. Well, mostly. Nearly always. A lot of the time. 

Anyway, when I’m dealing with anxiety that I can feel in my goddamn hair, Randy would do anything to make me feel better. He knows he can’t talk me out of it. He knows to not even try. Even so, he tries his best to give me something to smile about. This has been a rough summer.

Last November, we took Joey and a few of his friends to the beach. While we were there, I bought this stuffed dog with a big goofy grin.

I nearly said other than this dog, I had no stuffed animals, but that isn’t true. A friend bought me a plush uterus when I had my uterus burned out a few years ago. The stuffed uterus is stuck behind the mirror on the dresser opposite our bed, hanging out and smiling at us. Although, it’s a uterus, not an animal, so I can make the claim that I had no stuffed animals prior to my stuffed dog with the ridiculous grin. 

About a month ago, Randy decided that my stuffed dog’s name is Dude. Randy takes pictures and makes up stories about Dude and posts them on Facebook. He does this to cheer me up. He does this to let me know he is thinking of me.

It works. I do smile, every time. I mean, it does nothing to change my anxiety levels, but smiling and feeling loved, even if it only lasts a few minutes, is pretty fucking awesome.

Anyway, Randy created a blog page to display Dude’s antics. I’m going to just link to that page in posts, not on the front page or anything. So, if you want to see what my stuffed dog Dude is getting into, then go here. There are many more to come, Randy just hasn’t put them all out there yet.


50 Thoughts.

  1. The stuffed uterus really deserves a page, too.

    This was a much harder comment to post than it ought to have been because autocorrect on my iPad was pretty sure I wasn’t actually trying to type “stuffed uterus.”

  2. Dude looks cool but some dolls creep me out. I’d as soon rid our house of all dolls, including the old, old Teddy bears, but for the keyword, “our” in this sentence. Just another quirk but seriously, have you watched the youtube videos about dolls that move by themselves and I’m not talking about that stupid Robert doll. All he did was blink. Rule I made up, doll blinks, doll goes into a bonfire. Fini.

    I’m a bit odd but I think that’s a good rule..

    Randy is cool. The only way I’ve found to rid myself of anxiety is to remove myself from the situation. That’s only possible sometimes. I don’t want a doll though. Give me some mellow tunes. And meds. Have to have my meds. and take them religiously.

    Shit! I’ve run out of things to say. Have a great holiday.

  3. Randy sounds wonderful. I am also a daughter of a Nasty Narcissist & feel so thankful to have a man who shows unconditional love. My family have all been poisoned by the Narcs lies & at times I feel so isolated but this support is invaluable. What treasures they are…

  4. Randy has great taste in art and his photography skills are apparently right up there with Dominic Rouse.
    (Yeah, I found a new favorite photographer while comparing Randy’s penchant for stark reality and vast openness… 🙂 )
    My husband and sons lay low when my anxiety and madness becoming overwhelming. I can tell when it’s been a particularly bad scene by the way they slowly reappear over the days and reestablish themselves as ‘friendlies.’
    I’m glad our husbands don’t buy us stuff to ‘cheer’ us up. What a waste of money.
    But, sometimes, a well placed chocolate bar can remind me that I’m being thought of and somebody wishes they could make it better.
    And, it does. 🙂
    For the .082 seconds it takes for that little rush of serotonin to break the spell, I am grateful for that .082 second of relief.
    Things like a whacked out smiling dog are why we are able to keep our heart on the good while our brain tries to kill us.
    (my favorite is the washing machine one 😉

  5. Every time you give Randy shit I like the guy a little more. So in theory the opposite should hold true. I should like him less when you say nice things about him. Yeah, it doesn’t work like that because the whole reason you can give him shit is because he’s a good guy.
    And even if I didn’t like him that’s just, like, my opinion, man.
    Nice uterus. It really ties the room together.

  6. I got lost at the Dude comment. I once had a woman ask me if I would be upset if they slept with someone else. Me. Yes. Her. If you slept with someone else would you be ok with it. Me. It wouldn’t be brilliant but yeah. I could live with it. I was told I was a, “Dude”.

  7. I’m not really catching a Jeff Bridges vibe off of your adorable dog, but maybe that’s just me. Sometimes all you can do is make little gestures and wish you could help, and I’ve found that it takes some strength and courage to accept that. Randy is good people, no doubt about it.

  8. Randy is so good to you! My husband will email me jokes when he knows I’m having a hard day. My co-workers like it when I tell them the latest one. Especially if it’s clean but makes you think dirty, if you know what I mean.
    But I Love Love Love the Dude! I want to follow him on FB too. Let us know if you want to share him that way 🙂

  9. Can we start the campaign to change the name of that surgery from hysterectomy to uterectomy now? I mean, do you have a stuffed hysteria in your bedroom? I didn’t think so. You have an audience, let’s make it happen! Speaking of hysteria, Dude, hysterical!

  10. I loved the pic of Dude tormenting Roarshock! (I think I took his test once. Not sure if I passed! Haha!) Roarshock reminds me of my female cats when you try to put them in a carrier or get Advantage on their necks. 🙂

    Have you ever considered renting Randy out? A lot of people need cheering up, you know! Think of the big bucks!

  11. Gotta love a good man and a great Dude !!! LOL at the Dude posts – love the biscuit one because I can totally see Al doing that !!
    Have the best labour day weekend xox

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